Modern and with no cuts, FUE technique is a safe option for hair transplant

With FUE, each follicle is removed with a tiny round surgical punch. This means that there is no linear scar and patients are usually free to cut their hair as short as they wish without a major cosmetic hit to their donor area as long as the total follicular units are limited.

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)

The FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) technique is an advanced hair transplant technique that involves the removal of individual follicular units from the patient’s scalp, which are transplanted to bald areas.

It is a minimally invasive technique, with minimal scarring, customizable and highly effective in producing natural and permanent results.

Advantages of the FUE technique

Internationally recognized, this procedure is usually well accepted by patients because it is a minimally invasive method, that does not leave noticeable scars, in addition to offering a quick recovery, allowing immediate return to work and absence or minimal pain in the postoperative period.

The FUE technique result is more natural and brings greater comfort to the patient who can return home on the same day! The procedure time is approximately 8 hours and, in a single session, it is possible to transplant up to 10,000 hair strands.

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How is the hair growth after surgery?

Many people think that hair grows after a hair transplant. For covering a large area of baldness or hair loss, the donor area must have sufficient healthy, thicker hair to provide the required number of grafts. This means thinning of the donor site is not right as it can lead to unsuccessful hair transplant.

So, does donor area hair grow back after a hair transplant? The answer to this is both yes or no.

There are a couple of factors that have a role in determining the growing back of donor hair. The factors also determine how long it will take for normal hair growth to return from the donor area. These include:

  • The surgical technique
  •  The post-surgical care of the donor site.



O IFUEMAX é nossa técnica exclusiva de transplante capilar que garante resultados naturais, sem dor e sem cicatrizes.

O tempo varia conforme o número de fios a serem transplantados e a técnica utilizada, mas em média, o procedimento pode levar de 4 a 8 horas.

Sim, oferecemos a garantia “100% garantido ou seu dinheiro de volta”, assegurando a satisfação dos nossos clientes com os resultados.

Não. Utilizamos técnicas modernas e anestesia local, garantindo um procedimento confortável e sem dor para o paciente.

Os primeiros sinais de crescimento do cabelo começam após 3-4 meses. No entanto, o resultado final pode ser visto após 10-12 meses do procedimento.

Stanley Bittar é um médico reconhecido internacionalmente, destacando-se nos últimos 20 anos por suas técnicas inovadoras em transplante capilar.

Nossa técnica, IFUEMAX, combina os melhores processos e tecnologias de transplante capilar no mundo, garantindo um resultado natural e indetectável.

Não. Os cabelos transplantados são retirados de áreas doadoras que são geneticamente resistentes à queda. Portanto, uma vez que cresçam, permanecerão por toda a vida.

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