Baldness and Genetics: Discover the Influence of Genes on Hair Health

Just like height, eye or hair color, baldness can also be inherited from father to son. In other words, if parents have problems with hair loss, it is quite possible that their children will too.

But the truth is that it is not only genes passed from father to son that contribute to this condition.

It is precisely to understand more about this relationship that we have separated some important information below!


When thinking about baldness, genetic inheritance is a very important factor, but remember that your father is not the only one responsible for this condition.

If you have a case of baldness in the family, this inheritance can be passed down through several generations, that is:

Surely your father was also “gifted by someone”.

But what many people don’t know is that through an analysis of family history it is possible to identify this predisposition to baldness, in addition to checking the level of male hormones to allow for a prior diagnosis.

This way, treatment can be indicated as soon as possible, preventing the dreaded baldness from reaching a more advanced level.


Baldness caused by genetic factors is also known as ANDROGENETIC ALOPECIA.

The first signs that immediately trigger warning and concern that the hair is losing its weight begin with the thinning of the strands.

In men, hair loss begins at the “entrances” and on the top of the head. In women, it is more pronounced on the top of the head and in the crown region.

Symptoms generally begin to appear before the age of 25 and in other cases, signs appear as early as late adolescence.

As the years go by, the hair loss becomes more pronounced, and consequently, affecting a large part of the scalp.


Unfortunately, the answer is yes!

Genetics contributes a lot when it comes to baldness, but it is not the factor that determines 100% of cases.

The predisposition to genetic baldness is not determined by simple inheritance or just one gene. It occurs due to changes in several genes, located on different chromosomes.

The AR gene, for example, found on the X chromosome, is one of the most studied and one of the possible genes involved in baldness. This is because many people are bald without having any family members with hair loss. This phenomenon is known as incomplete penetrance.

In this way, we can understand that when it comes to baldness, each person can manifest it in varying ways and intensity.


The question that always comes to many people’s minds is whether genetic baldness has a cure.

It is very important to highlight that in relation to baldness, the sooner the cause of hair loss is identified, the easier it will be to treat. But in relation to genetic baldness, the tendency is for this condition to remain with the person.

The good news is that transplants and some treatments on the market can help minimize, stop and put a definitive end to hair loss.

But for the most appropriate treatment to be carried out correctly, it is very important to have an accurate diagnosis, carried out by a qualified and specialized professional.

It is worth noting that there are also numerous external factors that contribute to hair loss in men and women, such as excessive stress, wrong eating habits, smoking, among others.

As we have seen, baldness is present in the lives of men and women. Therefore, it is necessary to have good guidance and identify the best solution for each case.